Determinants Of Satisfaction Of Micro And Small Entrepreneurs In Bandung


  • Dedi Iskamto Telkom University
  • Galuh Tresna Murti Telkom Univesity
  • Danang Indrajaya Telkom University



External Environment, Government support;, MSME performance, ;Entrepreneurial Welfare


This research aims to determine the factors that influence the welfare of MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) entrepreneurs in the city of Bandung. Entrepreneurs play a big role in improving the economy of developing countries, such as Indonesia. The research methodology used is a qualitative method where as with literature study, this paper is conceptual papers. Entrepreneurs is an important factor in the entrepreneurial process. Entrepreneurs who are prosperous tend to continue their business, whereas entrepreneurs who are not prosperous will abandon their business. This research will provide entrepreneurs and business owners with a better understanding of the factors that significantly influence performance and their impact on the welfare of entrepreneurs, as well as input to the government regarding the support needed by entrepreneurs in improving business performance and welfare of entrepreneurs.


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How to Cite

Iskamto, D., Murti, G. T. ., & Indrajaya, D. (2023). Determinants Of Satisfaction Of Micro And Small Entrepreneurs In Bandung. Adpebi Science Series, 1(1), 1–9.


