The Effect of Workload, Discipline and Work Safety on the Performance of Employees of the Padang City Civil Police Unit (SATPOL PP)


  • Amrullah Amrullah Faculty of Economics and Business, Baiturrahmah University
  • Vika Fajriani Faculty of Economics and Business, Baiturrahmah University



Work Discipline, Workload, ccupational Safety, Employee Performance


In today's era of uncertainty, various challenges arise in efforts to manage human resources in the government
sector, where human resource management (HRM) holds an important battle in the success and efficiency of the
implementation of public services in the government environment. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence
of Workload, Discipline and Work Safety on the Performance of Employees of the Padang City Civil Police Unit
(SATPOL PP). Satpol PP in the Padang City area, West Sumatra. The type of research used in this study is associative
research with a quantitative approach. The population in this study is all Contract Employees (No PNS) in the Padang City
Civil Service Police Unit (SATPOL PP). The sample in this study amounted to 80 respondents. The technique of collecting
research data through questionnaires uses a Likert scale. The data analysis technique in this study is multiple linear
Based on partial statistical analysis of the Workload variable with a tcount value of 3.283 > ttable 1,665 with a
value (Significant = 0.008 <0.05) This means that the workload has a positive and significant effect on the performance
of the Employees of the Padang City Civil Police Unit. Work Discipline Variable (X2) with a tcount value of 2.084>ttable
1,665 with a value (Significant = 0.041 <0.05) This means that Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on
the Performance of Employees of the Padang City Civil Police Unit. Occupational Safety Variable (X3) with a calculated
value of 2.183> ttable 1.665 with a value (Significant = 0.048 <0.05) This means that occupational safety has a positive
and significant effect on the performance of employees of the Padang City Civil Service Police Unit.
The result of F that the value of Fcal> Ftable with a value of 1.463 > 3.1 respectively with a significant value of
(0.031) < 0.05 which means that Workload, Discipline and Occupational Safety simultaneously or together have a
significant positive effect on the Performance of Employees of the Padang City Civil Police Unit (SATPOL PP).




How to Cite

Amrullah, A., & Vika Fajriani. (2024). The Effect of Workload, Discipline and Work Safety on the Performance of Employees of the Padang City Civil Police Unit (SATPOL PP). Adpebi Science Series, 1(1), 1–10.


