21st Century Labor Challenges: The Relationship of Competence and Organizational Culture


  • Ikke Nodiyarjo Universitas Widyatama




Human resource management,, Competency, , Organizational culture,, workforce


Advances in digital technology, artificial intelligence, automation and data analysis have changed the way of work and competency requirements of employees so that organizations must ensure that employees have the necessary competencies and organizations must ensure that their culture supports adaptability in adopting technology and utilizing it to achieve the desired results. This research uses a mix method using descriptive analysis, verification and literature study which is used to test hypotheses or answer research questions. This research was conducted in one of the government-run and management-based or service-based companies. Based on the results of calculating the correlation coefficient and the criteria for the relationship between the independent variables, it is known that the relationship between the Competency variable and the Organizational Culture variable is in the low category. This approach supports the understanding of how an organizational culture that supports learning and innovation can help develop employee competencies, the suitability of competencies with the challenges of the 21st century, an organizational culture that supports competence, the impact on organizational performance. Organizations with a culture that supports and enables the development of employee competencies will be better able to compete in a changing market.


Human resource management, Competency, Organizational culture, 21st century workforce




How to Cite

Nodiyarjo, I. (2024). 21st Century Labor Challenges: The Relationship of Competence and Organizational Culture. Adpebi Science Series, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.54099/icemat2023.v1i1.268


