The Effect of Affiliate Marketing, Price Discounts and Live Streaming Shopping on The Buying Interest of Wardah Products (Kahf Facial Wash) on The Shopee Marketplace

(Case Study: Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Baiturrahmah University)


  • Mya Yuwanita Suhanda Faculty of Economics and Business, Baiturrahmah University, Padang
  • Eko Syahputra Faculty of Economics and Business, Baiturrahmah University, Padang



Affiliate Marketing, Price Discount, Live Streaming Shopping, Buying Interest


This study aims to analyze how affiliate marketing, price discounts, and live streaming shopping simultaneously and
partially affect the buying interest of Wardah products (Kahf Facial Wash) on the Shopee Marketplace. Based on the
results of the SPSS calculation from the t-test, the Affiliate Marketing variable is calculated > ttable or 6.284 > 1.653
and the sig value is 0.000 < 0.05, meaning that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. So it can be concluded that Affiliate
Marketing has a positive and significant effect on the Interest in Buying Wardah Products (Kahf Facial Wash) on the
Shopee Marketplace. In the Price Discount variable, the calculation > ttable or 7.151 > 1.653 and the sig value of
0.000 < 0.05 means that H2 is accepted and H0 is rejected. So it can be concluded that Price Discount has a positive
and significant effect on the Interest in Buying Wardah Products (Kahf Facial Wash) on the Shopee Marketplace. In
the Live Streaming Shopping variable, the ttable < count or 1.355 < 1.653 and the sig value is 0.177 > 0.05, meaning
that H3 is rejected and H0 is accepted. So it can be concluded that Live Streaming Shopping does not have a significant
effect on the Interest in Buying Wardah Products (Kahf Facial Wash) on the Shopee Marketplace. The sampling
technique uses a purposive sampling technique, using the Slovin formula so that a sample of 180 people was obtained.
The F test is known to have a value of 152,777 > 2.666 with a significant value of (sig = 0.000 < 0.05). So in this
study, the independent variables together affect the dependent variables. The determination coefficient was obtained
with a result of 0.723 which means that the percentage of influence of affiliate marketing, price discount and live
streaming shopping has an influence on the Interest in Buying Wardah Products (Kahf Facial Wash) on the Shopee
Marketplace in students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Baiturrahmah University by 72.3%, while the
remaining 27.7% is influenced by other variables that were not studied in the study.




How to Cite

Suhanda, M. Y. ., & Syahputra, E. . (2024). The Effect of Affiliate Marketing, Price Discounts and Live Streaming Shopping on The Buying Interest of Wardah Products (Kahf Facial Wash) on The Shopee Marketplace : (Case Study: Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Baiturrahmah University). Adpebi Science Series, 1(1), 1–12.


